Almut Arneth

Almut Arneth - Group Leader

I am a Biologist by training, with specialisation in Plant-Ecophysiology. In addition to being division-head and group-leader at KIT/IMK-IFU, I am professor at the KIT department Geography and Geoecology. Early in my career I have studied terrestrial ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 and water exchange with a range of measurement techniques (eddy covariance, stable isotopes). Over the last 15 years or so, I focussed increasingly on global scale modelling of the interactions between climate change, land-use change, and various terrestrial ecosystem properties, using Dynamic Global Vegetation models (LPJ-GUESS; stand-alone and coupled to the LandSyMM coupled model). I have been a Coordinating Lead Author in the Global Assessment of the IPBES (Int. Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services), on the chapter 4 “Future scenarios and projections”, Coordinating Lead Author of the IPCC Special Report on land and climate change (chapter 1 “setting the scene”) and a Lead Author in the IPCC 6th Assessment report (WG2, chapter on Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems). Currently I am acting as a Lead Author in the IPBES Nexus Assessment, chapter 2 (Current status and past trends). I have been involved for many years in a number of EC FP and nationally-funded projects related to Global Environmental Change, including being the co-coordinator of the project wildE (Climate-smart rewilding: ecological restoration for climate change mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity support in Europe).

I am a member of the European Academy of Sciences (

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6616-0822
