Kick-off meeting of the KIT Womens Professors Forum in Karlsruhe
On 30. June the kick-off meeting of the KIT Womens Professors Forum took place in Karlsruhe.
The KIT Women Professors Forum sees itself both as a community and as a strategic platform for the female professors at KIT. The goals of the network, inspired by WPFs at ETH Zurich and MIT in Boston, include informal exchange and mutual support, increased participation of female professors in relevant committees and decision-making processes, support of the implementation of KIT's diversity strategy, and networking with similar initiatives at home and abroad. To this end, the members of the forum organise a series of regular and unscheduled activities, for example, lunchtime lectures, discussion events and joint excursions. Almut is one of the elected members of the WPF Executive Board.
At the lick-off, KIT president Prof. Holger Hanselka and Karlsruhe mayor for environment and health Ms. Bettina Lisbach provided short words of greetings, Prof. Susanne Baer, judge at the German Constitutional Court presented spoke on "Excellence: on Visibility and Solidarity".